Iridology (pronounced EYE-ri-dology) is the science and practice of analyzing the iris, sclera, pupil, cornea, and conjunctiva of the eye to assess conditions and levels of health. Holistic Iridology, as practiced by Utah Iridologist, is genetic and systemic assessment through external ophthalmic examination.
Anatomically, the eyes are connected to the dura mater of the brain through the optic nerves and are directly linked with the sympathetic nervous system and the spinal cord. Because of this connection, the eyes are closely associated with the endocrine glands of the brain: the hypothalamus, pituitary, and pineal glands. Through this anatomy and physiology, the eyes have close contact with the biochemical, hormonal, structural, and metabolic processes of the body.
The iris is made up of nerve fibers known as trabeculas. The patterns of the trabeculas. Genetic information about a person’s strengths and weaknesses can be interpreted through the structure and shape of these trabeculas, as well as through various pigmentations and accumulations.
The various glands throughout the body also correspond with particular thoughts and emotions. For example, the emotions of grief and sadness are most closely associated with the pancreas. Weaknesses in the iris indicating the pancreas can also be associated with the feelings of grief and sadness from a genetic predisposition (passed on from ancestors) or from environmental factors depending on the nature of the sign. Therefore, the root of health problems can often be mental and emotional in nature rather than simply physical.
Iridology presents an economical and non-invasive way of assessing one’s health status and is a great way to prevent health problems before they arise.
Various forms of iris interpretation have been used as far back as 1000 B.C. in ancient Mesopotamia. Hippocrates, known as the “Father of Medicine,” is known to have looked in his patients’ eyes for information about their health. He said, “Inquiries are to be made and symptoms are to be noted, those in the whole countenance, those on the body and those in the eyes.”
In 1670, Dr. Philippus Meyens, published book Physiognomia Medica detailing the division of the iris according to organ regions of the body. In 1813, a Viennese ophthalmologist, George Joseph Beer published Textbook of Eye Diseases, and noted, “Everything that affects the organism of an individual cannot remain without effect on the eye and vice versa.” Then, a Hungarian physician named Ignaz von Peczely (1822-1911) considered to be the renaissance father of iridology, made observations about his own eyes and began publishing his findings.
In the early 1900s, iridology was used by medical doctors in the United States. However, due to political and economic pressures, as well as the rise of the pharmaceutical industry, the teaching of iridology was removed from the curriculum of medical schools. The art and practice of iridology was kept alive by naturopathic physicians, most notably, Dr. Bernard Jensen, D.C., N.D., Ph.D., as well as German naturopaths Josef Deck and Josef Angerer.
The form of iridology practiced by Utah Iridologist (Holistic Iridology) was developed by David J. Pesek, Ph.D., a clinical nutritionist and former psychotherapist. Because of his background with the brain, Dr. Pesek brought new light and understanding to the eye’s connection to the brain. Dr. Pesek was awarded with a Doctor Honoris Causa in Health Sciences in 2017 and 2018 for his research and development of Holistic Iridology as well as his work in natural healthcare.
Jordan Gundersen is a Master Herbalist and a certified Holistic Iridologist. He went in to natural health to help family members who experienced severe health problems and were told that there was no solution or hope. Jordan now helps bring hope to others in similar situations by shining a light into the window to the soul.